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Conference Center

The Hawthorn
101 Trade Center Drive
Champaign, Illinois 61820


WHAT is it all about???

By the year 2015, the eight Millennium Development Goals set 14 years ago will be up for renewal and remodeling. Many decisions will be made in the next year, including the development of new health-related Millennium Development Goals and related targets and indicators for the post 2015 development agenda, yet there remains unfinished business in the health MDGs in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with new emerging health priorities accorded the dual burden of infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

The scale of the challenge posed demands an extraordinary response hence the need to bring together a leading and interdisciplinary group of researchers to discuss these issues and advance recommendations for the “Post-2015 Development Agenda.”


•Food Security, Nutrition and Health
•Infant and Child Morbidity and Mortality
•Geographic Perspectives: Health and Place
•Advancing the Health of Women and Children
•Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases
•Aging and Non-communicable Diseases
•Measuring and Advancing Wellbeing and Mental Health
•Provision, Utilization and Availability of Health Care Services

•Tackling the HIV/AIDS epidemic...and more




TInInspiring Speakers itl

Collins Airhihenbuwa


Dept of Biobehavioral Health

Penn State University, USA

Mosoka Fallah

2014 TIME Magazine Person of the Year-

The Ebola Fighters

John H. Muyonga


School of Food Technology,

Nutrition and Bioengineering

Makerere University, Uganda

James M. Ntambi


Department of Nutritional Sciences

University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Charles N. Rotimi


Center for Research on Genomics

and Global Health

National Institutes of Health, USA


Conference Organizers


Diana Grigsby-Toussaint, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor

University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign


Visiting Associate Professor

Harvard Medical School


Visiting Associate Professor

Northeastern University



Juliet Iwelunmor, PhD

Assistant Professor

University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign



Ezekiel Kalipeni, PhD


University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign





Center for Advanced Study, UIUC
Center for African Studies, UIUC
International Programs and Studies, UIUC
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UIUC
Department of Anthropology, UIUC
Focal Point Initiative, Graduate College, UIUC
College of Veterinary Medicine, UIUC
Human and Community Development, UIUC
College of Business, UIUC
School of Social Work, UIUC
Women and Gender, UIUC
Department of Geography and Geographic Science, UIUC
UIUC College of Medicine
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