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A detailed conference schedule can be found


An overview of topics can be found below.




Session 1: New Emerging Infectious Diseases

Plenary Talk: 

Dr. Mosoka P. Fallah, TIME Magazine 2014 Person of the Year - The Ebola Fighters

Head of Case Detection Montserrado Incident Management System (M-IMS) Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia

Using mHealth to address Ebola in Liberia

Session 2:  Challenges and Opportunities for Health in Africa

Session 3:  Towards Sustainable Solutions for Health in Africa

Session 4:  Food Security, Nutrition, and Health

Session 5:  Aging and Non-Communicable Diseases

Session 6:  Case Studies on Gender, Culture and Health in Africa


Plenary Talk:

Dr Collins .O. Airhihenbuwa, Chair, Department of Biobehavioral Health, Penn State University

Why Culture Matters in Bridging Gaps in Health Inequity Globally


Session 7: Tackling the HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Session 8: Infant and Child Morbidity and Mortality

Session 9: Advancing the Health of Women and Children

Session 10: Maternal Morbidity/Mortality

Session 11: Determinants and Prevention of Risk-Factors Influencing Health in Africa     

Plenary Talk: Dr. Charles Rotimi

Director, Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health,  National Institutes of Health

Exploring the patterns and Determinants of Common Complex Diseases in the African Diaspora and Other Human Populations




Session 12: Health and Place

Session 13: Building and Measuring Capacity for Health Research in Africa

Session 14: Policy Implications of Health Research in Sub-Saharan Africa

Session 15: Concluding Roundtable Discussions


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